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Dedicate a day of learning - $126
Dedicate a month of learning - $1,000
Dedicate a week of learning - $360
Dedicate a specific day for life -$1,260

A Gift for Generations
With Magen Israel’s Parnes HaYom initiative, participants are given the unique opportunity to dedicate a day, week, month, or specific date for life of learning in honor of a special occasion or a loved one
We invite you to become a Parnas HaYom patron in support of our Yeshiva and its students.
You may dedicate a day, week, month, or ‘day for life.’ Dedications can be for a refuah shelaima or to commemorate any occasion: yahrzeit, shloshim, birth, birthday, bar/bat mitzvah, graduation, engagement, wedding, anniversary or simply in honor of a loved one or friend.
Thank you and Tizku L'mitzvot.
Parnes HaYom Form
To make a Parnas Hayom Dedication, please complete the form below:
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